Thursday, August 6, 2009

Almost over

while I'm eating this dark chocolate mixed with caramel i realize that the end of the summer youth media challenge is right around the corner. And that even the summer is around the block. I hope that we all learned something important while being apart of HarlemLIVE. I figured out that patience is a virtue, especially when working with 'grown' teenagers and that i might want to pursue journalism or directing. The two are different but I know it's possible to manage both. If there was anything i could do over in this challenge, it would have to be the rate that I produced stories. It should be faster. But since i want everything to be perfect the first time i write a story it's so difficult to put it together, but at least there's always help. Katrina an alumni helped me with my Sri Lanka story. She knows someone from there who she met while doing stuffy abroad in school, and she'll contact him. He's part of the majority group or government group (the Singhalese) in Sri Lanka, and people think of him as if he's no good once they find out that he is a Singhalese.


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